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Al-Kisa Foundation

Kisa Visual Arts Curriculum

The Kisa Visual Arts Curriculum is a comprehensive resource for Islamic schools and home school families to teach children fine arts from a spiritual perspective. Based on the National Core Arts Standards, the K-12 curriculum also includes lessons that focus on social-emotional growth, sequential skill building, and appreciation of the beauty and richness of Islamic traditional arts.


Al-Kisa Foundation

Qurʾān Quest Project

Kisa Publications is developing a project for families, youth groups and schools, called Qurʾān Quest. Created to to learn tafsīr online in an interactive way, Qurʾān Quest has been specifically designed to guide and reflect on how the Noble Qurʾān can be applied in life.

Qurʾān Quest Project

Annual Report 2023-2024

With the grace of Allah (swt) and your dedication and devotion, we were able to continue the humble efforts and noble journey of spreading the message of the Qurʾān and Ahlul Bayt (ʿa) through the fiscal year of 2023-2024. As we embark on our new fiscal year, we renew our commitment to taking these teachings and the message of the Noble Qurʾān to our global audience.

Alḥamdulillāh, we have received tremendous response to this responsibility, and for this we are grateful. Al-Kisa Foundation aims to be a platform that everyone can utilize to maximize their potential and reach.

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Kids Get Familiar With Qurʾānic Words!