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Kisa Kids/Kisa Publications

Grade 4 | Student Guide

Grade 4 | Student Guide

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The Steps to Perfection 4th grade curriculum strives to build upon the development of a strong Islamic foundation, which began from the kindergarten book.

The ʿAqāʾid section entails a review of the the Uṣūl ad-Dīn (Roots of Religion), and then delves deeper into each of these principles. There is a strong focus on tawhīd, which is explored through the lens of the proof of fiṭrah.

The Fiqh unit consists of relevant topics, with integrated activities, to make the concepts more interactive, tangible, and practical for students.

The History section focuses on some of our greatest role models, our Prophets, by taking students through their stories and exploring the commonalities between the messages of all the Prophets.

The Akhlāq section has been made aesthetically-pleasing through colorful illustrations, aḥādīth, and āyāt from the Qurʾān that delve into topics such as having proper etiquette and good manners toward others.

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